Page 3 - Crappie NOW - April 2019
P. 3

Opening Cast

                                                   Finally,  spring  is  trying  to
                                                bust  loose  and  with  it  comes
 April 2019  EDITOR/ SR. WRITER                 fantastic Crappie Fishing.  Bring
                                                on the sun, warmer water and an
                                                electrified crappie bite!  It’s a new

       WRITERS                                  year that can bring new products
                                                and capabilities.
       Darl Black                                  New  electronic  capabilities
       Vic Attardo                              from  Garmin,  Live  Scope,  have
       Ron Presley                              enhanced         fish    identification
       Vernon Summerlin                         beyond          our         anticipated
       John Phillips                            expectations.    Guide  trips,
       Greg McCain                              tournaments, fun fishing may never be better.  Change
       John Felsher                             can be positive and negative; hard for some and easy for
       Kenny Kieser                             others.
       Larry Whiteley                              I will date myself by confessing I began fishing with
       Ron Wong                                 the  wonderful  Hummingbird  Flasher.    It  improved  my
                                                fishing experience on all levels.  Then came the paper
                                                graphs, liquid screens etc.  At each improvement, I had to
                                                reinvest when I could afford it and it improved my fishing
                                                experiences each time.  I am one that likes change even
                                                in  my  senior  years  but  it  does  demand  time,  patience
                                                and resources.
                                                   Recently,  I  have  read  and  heard  many  concerns
                                                about the Garmin Live Scope super technology.  Some
                                                think  that  no  one  can  compete  against  those  who  can
                                                obtain it and use it to its full capabilities.  I heard these
                                                same concerns surrounding new bait technologies and
                                                techniques and even each of the past technology leaps
                                                I mentioned earlier.  It is a tool for your toolbox but the
                                                fisherman  is  still  the  one  making  the  casts,  making
                                                technique decisions and strategies, etc.
                                                   I am looking forward to the day that our electronics
       © Copyright 2019                         embrace the capabilities of our smaller but more powerful
                                                computers  and  phones!    In  the  past,  the  replacement
                                                schedules for computers and phones were every five years
                                                and now, they are outdated in a year.  My grandchildren
                                                can embrace the capabilities quicker than I can as they
                                                experience the technologies at a very young age.
                                                   Change, when correctly applied, can be a good thing.
                                                So, I leave you with one major thought: never lose the
               Cover Photo:                     focus  on  why  we  fish  for  either  competition  or  for  fun.
        The Central Ark. Crappie                The tools are developed to help us be more successful.
      Assn. held a tournament at                Let’s leave the drama on the land and use what works
     Overcup Lake, Ark. March 16,               best for us to obtain stress relief and fun. Fish On!
    2019. Winners were London &
 Crappie Clubs....53  Bunting with 13.77 for seven   God Bless,
        fish. Tim Huffman photo.                Dan Dannemueller, Publisher

                                                3 Crappie NOW April 2019
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