Page 5 - Crappie NOW | April 2015
P. 5

Severe Cold Fronts

before the spawn,” says Bro. “They’ll be        Tips for Severe Spring Cold
on wood, cribs, trees, and rocks until the      Fronts
temperature gets just right. Then they’ll go
in for the spawn. Their depths are generally    1 Look for water with a different color.
based upon the water color of the lake          Clearer in muddy water; tinted in a
you’re fishing.”                                clear lake.
	 “A cold front puts pressure on a fish.        2 Downsize baits. The exception is to
It weighs on their internal organs. The fish    sometimes try a bigger bait in muddy
become less active and quit moving around.      water.
A severe front with another coming in right     3 Slow down.
behind it is what we had at Barkley.”           4 Believe your electronics. Find fish
Techniques                                      and work to make them bite.
	 Bro says two tactics work for him when        5 Know that sometimes the fish
fronts make fishing tough. The first one is to  win. Either cut your trip short and do
use a long pole to dead-stick a bait right      chores, or, lay you pole in the boat and
into their homes. Wood cover is always a        use your electronics to find and mark
good choice when it can be found. The long      potential spots for the future.
pole allows the bait to be lifted straight up
and down to get on, around and then inside
the cover.

5 Crappie NOW April 2015
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