Page 3 - Crappie NOW | June 2016
P. 3

EDITOR/ SR. WRITER          Opening Cast
   Darl Black                  	 Last month I was
   Vic Attardo                 working the Crappie Masters
   Terry Madewell              tournament on the Alabama
   Brad Wiegmann               River. A media/fisherman
   Ron Presley                 event followed. Therefore, I
   Vernon Summerlin            got to spend some time on
   John Neporadny, Jr          the water even though most
                               of it was with a camera or
   © Copyright 2016            recorder in my hand. The
                               moss on the trees there
Fisherman Jay Johnson with an  create a mood, the river
      Alabama River crappie.   offers a wide variety of
      photo by Tim Huffman     fishing situations, and there is great southern
                               hospitality in the area. It makes the Alabama
                               River a great go-to destination. You’ll see a
                               few photo sections and articles from the trip in
                               this issue.
                               	 Summer is quickly approaching with the
                               far northern lakes being in spawn or post-
                               spawn. Fishermen in the southern and middle
                               states are seeing crappie move into summer
                               patterns. More stable weather patterns can
                               produce consistent crappie catching. I’m
                               looking forward to getting in on some June
                               fishing. I’ll let you know how that works out.
                               	 Writer Darl Black has a great article this
                               month about how to apply tournament tips and
                               tricks to your fishing to catch more fish. There’s
                               nothing fancy or complicated, just straight-
                               forward tips. The Q&A session covers the same
                               subject with the Crappie Masters staff getting
                               a shot at sharing good tips.
                               	 Another article discusses how to night
                               fish. When the temperatures begin to sore it’s
                               a good way to beat the heat. Plus, if you are
                               on the right lake and the right spot, catching
                               can be as good or better than any other time.
                               It’s a good way for buddies or a family to share
                               a boat, relax and catch crappie.
                               	 When a magazine is full of good, exciting
                               stuff it’s fun to produce. Hope you enjoy and
                               pick up a few fish-catching tips.

                               Good fishin’ & God Bless,
                               Tim Huffman, Sr. Writer/Editor

                               3 Crappie NOW June 2016
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