Page 3 - Crappie NOW | May 2016
P. 3

EDITOR/ SR. WRITER        Opening Cast
Darl Black                	 I have been fishing and traveling most
Vic Attardo               of March and April. Wow…what a weather
Terry Madewell            roller coaster ride it has been. Consistency,
Brad Wiegmann             size and the locations of fish were affected.
Ron Presley               	 Fishing at Lake Darbonne, Louisiana
Vernon Summerlin          was anything but normal. So was Lake
John Neporadny, Jr        Washington and Grenada Lake in
                          Mississippi. Record wind, rain and cold were
© Copyright 2016          experienced at each. Frosty mornings and torrential rains
                          with periods of lightening kept things interesting. Then in April,
    Guide Josh Gowan at   I fished Lake Fork in Texas to meet again cold temperatures,
  D’Arbonne Lake crappie  strong winds and rising and falling water temperatures.
                          	 The very wide swings between record highs and lows
              factory.    have caused late spawns at all the lakes mentioned and I
    Tim Huffman photo.    would venture to say at your lakes too. We have found fish
                          at all water depths and most of the fish had not started the
                          	 During these trips, I have had the pleasure to see and
                          talk with many fishermen. Some have mentioned they were
                          worried that the crappie fishing in their lakes is not as good as in
                          the past years. Many believe fishing pressure has decreased
                          the numbers and sizes.
                          	 While this could be true to some extent, I believe the
                          weather is the biggest factor to the number and size of fish.
                          However fishing pressure, if not properly managed, can impact
                          the fishery. Keep in mind that the number of poles, hooks etc.
                          used is not really the cause of over fishing but rather the daily
                          creel limits.
                          	 If you believe your fishery is being over fished and
                          harvested, reach out to your state fish biologist to find out if
                          they have conducted any recent studies for your lake or river.
                          The studies should show the harvest rates, sizes and number
                          of fish estimated in your fishery. If a recent study has not been
                          completed, petition to request one.
                          	 In previous year editions of Crappie Now, we have had
                          fish biologist articles and question and answers. If you would
                          like to get copies of the previous year editions of our digital
                          magazines on a thumb drive, go to our
                          website and purchase each previous year edition for $13.99
                          or all four years for $29.99 plus shipping and handling.
                          	 I am ready for the real spring to arrive and the swarms
                          of Crappie in their spawning grounds! May each of you be
                          blessed with large slabs!
                          God Bless and Good Fishing,
                          Dan,CrappieNow Publisher

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