Page 12 - Crappie NOW - November 2017
P. 12

Story & photos by Ron Wong

                                                                either crappie fishing or sitting in a deer
       The question that lingers in a lot                       stands. Mark was taught how to fish by
     of  fishermen’s  mind  is,  do  professional               his grandfather and father. The only thing
     bass  fishermen  ever  fish  for  crappie                  they fished was for bream and crappie.
     or  any  other  panfish?  While  attending                 The  occasional  bass  that  was  caught
     some  fishing  tackle  media  events  that                 was via fishing for crappie and as Mark
     had both crappie and bass professionals                    said,  they  would  always  release  them
     attending,  an  informal  poll  was  held                  back  to  the  water.  His  love  to  crappie
     with  the  question  of  as  a  professional               fish  continues  now  and  he  enjoys  time
     bass  fisherman,  do  you  crappie  fish.                  on the water especially during the winter,
     And  vice-versa  for  the  professional                    sometimes fishing with his dad.
     crappie  fishermen,  do  you  bass  fish.                         Mark’s  favorite  way  to  fish  for
     Interestingly,  all  bass  pros  responded                 crappie  is  using  a  Lew’s  ultra-light
     “Yes  I  like  to  crappie  fish  and  take  the           spinning rod and reel rigged with a 1/16th
     opportunity  to  do  so  several  times  a                 ounce Strike King crappie jig tipped with
     year”.  While  some  of  the  crappie  pros                a  Mr.  Crappie  Lightning  Shad.  “During
     responded,  “No  bass  fishing  for  me.”                  the  winter  the  crappie  school  up  so
     One of the main reasons that the crappie                   this  method  works  well  with  me.”    He
     pros responded as they did had to do with                  will  switch  to  a  Mr.  Crappie  Joker  or
     the  way  a  boat  is  rigged.  Crappie  pros              Shadpole  during  spring  when  the  fish
     have crappie fishing specific equipment                    move  shallow  and  single  pole  vertical
     rigged on their boats whereas bass pros                    jigging for the crappie. As Mark said, “I
     do  not.  For  example,  rod  holders  and                 love to feel the tick!”
     drift paddles.                                                    Mark  also  has  some  other  very
            Having spent time with professional                 good  reasons  to  crappie  fish.  “It  gives
     bass fishermen who like to crappie fish,                   me  practice  using  my  Garmin  side
     there  are  some  very  common  feelings.                  imaging and pan optics electronics and
     First  of  all,  they  all  like  to  eat  crappie.        it helps maintain the feel of a fish biting.
     Secondly,  they  are  able  to  fish  for                  This practice helps me for the upcoming
     crappie  during  their  off  time  from  their             tournament  season.”  Because  Mark
     professional bass duties to not only fills                 crappie fishes a lot of Mississippi River
     the freezer but to continue to hone their                  oxbow lakes, he is getting a War Eagle
     bass  fishing  skills  by  catching  crappie.              1860  boat  to  better  navigate  the  docks
     One  interesting  common  fact  of  bass                   and  cypress  trees.  A  couple  of  other
     pros fishing for crappie, they all like to                 tips he left with me: 1) use a good filet
     single pole when fishing. Let’s talk with                  knife  such  as  a  Buck  and  2)  add  some
     some professional bass fishermen about                     Country  Bob’s  dry  seasoning  to  your
     crappie fishing.
            Mark Rose, a FLW Tour competitor,                      Mark Rose grew up crappie fishing with
     qualifier  for  the  Forrest  Wood  Cup                         his father and grandfather. He enjoys
     numerous times, BASS Open competitor                          the quiet fun of chasing slabs during his
     and  winner  of  over  $2  million  loves  to                     offseason from bass tournaments.
     spend  his  off  days  during  the  winter

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