Page 6 - Crappie NOW - November 2017
P. 6


            A  known  crappie-holding  stump  cover,  depending  upon  their  mood.  A
     or  set  of  stumps  is  best  fished  from  an  wildcard  is  to  check  very  shallow  water
     anchored  boat.  Fishermen  who  have  a  in the afternoon where sun is bright and
     trolling motor with spot-lock can use that  warming the water.
     feature.  The  key  is  to  remain  stable  so                    Wind:  A  light  wind  and  ripple  is
     casts  can  be  pinpointed.  After  a  couple  good  for  making  fish  less  spooky.  Too
     crappie are caught, returning a cast to the  much wind makes boat control a problem.
     same place can be the difference between  Casting is difficult in the wind so vertical
     catching  or  just  fishing.  Active  crappie  presentations are best.
     are  known  to  hold  in  a  spot  the  size  of                  Current: The stronger the current the
     a bucket and baits must be presented to  more important it is to find other location
     the spot to catch them.                                    with less current.
            Baits  for  November  casting  should                      Fishing  Pressure:  Pressure  isn’t
     include  plastics  with  a  little  action.  A  terrible  like  in  the  spring  but  more  and
     Kalin’s  Triple  Threat,  Bobby  Garland  more  fishermen  have  learned  about  the
     Swim’R  and  Charlie  Brewer  Slider  Grub  good fall and early winter fishing so you
     are  examples  of  typical  casting  plastics.  may not have the lake to yourself.
     Crappie may prefer a bait with less action
     or one with more action, like the Garland
     Stroll’R. A 1/16-ounce head gives a slow
     fall  but  will  still  get  to  the  strike  zone.
     Wind  or  bouncing  bottom  might  call  for
     a  heavier  1/8-ounce  head.  In  general,                                                          - Tim Huffman
     the  lighter  the  better  so  you  can  keep  it
     slow without it sinking too rapidly. Testing
     different weights and bodies is always a
     good idea until you learn which ones the
     fish prefer.
            Flash is often best in warmer water,
     but  it’s  never  a  bad  idea  to  try  a  Road
     Runner with a gold willow leaf blade. The
     added  attraction  might  be  what  the  fish
     want on a particular day.

     Factors for Casting 20’ Stumps
            Strong  Cold  Front:  Not  a  big
     problem  in  November,  plus  the  fish  are
     deeper  making  them  less  susceptible  to
     the  pressure  changes.  The  best  tip  for
     slugging fish is to downsize and slow your
     presentation. This might be the best time
     to tip with a tiny minnow.
            Clouds/Rain:  Not  a  problem  for  the
     fish.  Light  penetration  will  be  less  so
     darker  baits  will  work  best.  Rain  in  cold
     November  can  be  terribly  uncomfortable
     for the fisherman.
            Sun:  Look  for  light  penetration  to
     put some fish tight to cover while others
     might  move  up  and  suspend  over  the

                                             6 Crappie NOW November 2017
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