Page 8 - Crappie NOW | September 2016
P. 8

Open Water Power Trolling

trolling than with other methods.       A typical ¼-ounce Les Smith power
	 “I generally go 1.0 mph using                           trolling jig.
my I-Pilot trolling motor. The power
trolling works so well because it’s
using jigs fast but on vertical lines.
Most of the time I’m following a ledge  colors on other poles but he also
or channel, something difficult to      keeps a few other colors out all the
do if longlining. We can run up on      time in case the pattern changes.
the ledges, turn around and head        	 Two tweaks are very important
to the other side. Fish are often       for him. One is blade type and
laying on the sides of the ledges.      size. He prefers a large blade. His
Finding balls of shad is another key    favorite is a dimpled willow leaf.
ingredient so watching electronics      Another is Ziptailz skirts. He says
for depths, changes in depths, shad     the umbrella skirt has a rubber insert
and fish are all important.”            making it easy to slide up on the jig
	 Smith starts with a wide variety      and makes it easy to change colors
of baits at the beginning of the day.   without removing the jighead.
When he catches fish he pays close      	 “The bottom line is that power
attention to the type bait and color.   trolling offers better bait control.
A few fish on a particular color has    The downside of longline trolling is I
him putting a few more of the same      have to make long turns and sweeps.
                                        With power trolling I can make an

8 Crappie NOW September 2016
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