Page 3 - Crappie NOW | January 2016
P. 3

EDITOR/ SR. WRITER             Opening Cast
 Darl Black                     	 Happy New Crappie Years
 Vic Attardo                    everyone!!! What is your crappie
 Jeff Samsel                    New Year’s resolution? Mine is to
 Keith Sutton                   exceed my big Crappie of 2015, a
 Ron Presley                    whopping 3.19, grow the sport for all
 Vernon Summerlin               by spreading knowledge and enjoy
 John Neporadny, Jr             every day fishing that I can.
                                	 The pastfiveyears I’vefocused
 © Copyright 2016               upon crappie fishing. During these
                                five years the “sport” and sharing of
L​ ate afternoon on the water.  knowledge has grown beyond my expectations. Many
      Tim Huffman photo         avenues now exist for anyone wishing to obtain crappie
                                fishing knowledge and compete on a national level
                                as well in numerous large crappie clubs and regional
                                tournaments. Web based digital magazines; social media
                                via Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube are at everyone’s
                                fingertips. Printed books, eBooks, eblasts, newsletters,
                                etc. exist to provide the knowledge to fish like the pros.
                                	 Our CrappieNow vision and continued goal is to
                                produce a quality crappie resource for you, the reader.
                                This quality is attained by keeping the best writers,
                                sources of information, and usability simple. Awards from
                                national writer and publicist associations are testimonies
                                to the quality, however, in the end it is in the usefulness
                                and applicability you attain from what we publish. Please
                                feel free to contact us concerning future content articles.
                                	 Sharing ideas, fishing techniques and new
                                innovations have fostered the growth and availability of
                                new products to enhance our fish catching performance
                                both in numbers and size of fish. Close held secrets in
                                one part of the country work very well anywhere with very
                                minor adjustments. Now more than ever, we can have
                                the expectation that a new record crappie can become a
                                	 Crappie fishing is a great family outdoor sport.
                                Watching a son, daughter or grandchildren catch a fish
                                of their lifetime will never be forgotten. New legends can
                                be born each day while experiencing the great outdoors
                                in all its beauty.
                                	 I live to see each and every beautiful sunrise and
                                sunset. It is God’s way to introduce new life and closure
                                to each and every day. Together, lets make 2016 the
                                best year yet.

                                Dan Dannenmueller,

                                3 Crappie NOW January 2016
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