Page 5 - Crappie NOW | January 2016
P. 5

Fishing the Right Spots

questions are (1) How deep are the crappie,   are suppose to be located. Use your map
(2) What general areas should I look? Never   to pick specific spots to fish. For example,
ask him where he caught his fish!             fish are on creek channel ledges 15 to 18
	 2008 Classic Champ Mike Parrott             feet deep. Look at your map. Pick a couple
agrees that fish reports are important and    of spots on a creek channel. Maybe choose
he always gets as much information as         a bend, an intersection and a stretch where
possible before going, especially when        the map shows stumps along the edge, all
he is fishing a tournament at a new lake.     in the 15 to 18 foot depth range.
“However, it takes a lot of hard work and     	 Get to the first spot and use your
hours of fishing, too. When you get to a      electronics. Seven-time classic champ
lake it’s best to keep an open mind. I still  Ronnie Capps says, “A weekend fisherman
use a paper map to study. You can pick out    should learn how to use a map and his
places to fish based upon information you     electronics. Spend some time with it. It’s your
get ahead of fish. But, if those don’t work   underwater eyes and the key to success.”
keep an open mind and don’t overlook spots    	 Electronics will show you differences
just because you don’t think fish should be   in contours, cover and fish. Pick a good area
there.”                                       along the channel, toss a marker buoy and
Forming a Game Plan – part 1                  test-fish the first spot. If you immediately
	 You have information you’ve gathered        catch fish that’s great. If not, before picking
before hitting the lake. You know where fish  up the marker and leaving, fish deeper
                                              water and up shallower in case the fish have

5 Crappie NOW January 2016
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